Milwaukee Criminal Defense Professionals
A division of the Law Offices of Jeffrey W. Jensen
161 S. First Street
Suite 200
Milwaukee, WI 53204


When your liberty and your reputation depend upon it, you need the professionals-  The Milwaukee Criminal Defense Professionals
Make this a fair fight.
You would never bet your liberty and your reputation on a round of golf against a professional.  Why would you stake everything you've worked for by fighting criminal charges alone?   This is not a fair fight.  The government law enforcement professionals are formidable opponents. You need the professionals on your side- the Milwaukee Criminal Defense Professionals.  

Are you an undocumented resident of the United States charged with a crime?   Then the federal government will be aggressive in deporting you.  Only an experienced criminal defense lawyer can even the playing field for you.   Call around, and see for yourself.

Attorney Jeffrey W. Jensen has defended some of the most high profile criminal cases in southeastern Wisconsin.  If you are facing criminal charges, you should contact attorney Jensen immediately:





If you are looking for criminal defense motions, briefs, and articles, visit The Jensen Defense      



Attorney Jensen in the news: